GoAnimate.com: Hypocrite by 16reidj
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Friday, December 16, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Hunger Games Reserch Project
I am writing about hovercrafts and the truth behind the fiction. What do you think about it?
Hovercrafts are not just used for you it is also used to rescue or it is used in the army which I think is pretty cool.(Hovercraft) You can do almost anything in a hovercraft like fish,drive,race or you can show it off to people. You can get diffrent veriety's of hovercrafts, you can get one that is big or you can get one that is small, you can get one that is for crusing or you can get one that you want to race.
Hovercrafts are maid for land and water but someone has maid a hovercraft that can fly, he maid it out of car parts and clothing. It fly's a couple feet in the air and they say it is good for old people that farm so they don't need to open and close the gate and walk around.(Rudy)
Hovercrafts have alot of parts it is like a car it has a engine a skirt a big fan on the back of it but the most imortant thing to have is the skirt or atleast that is what they say All modern hovercraft use a skirt of one sort or another for their suspension system so that the power required to lift the craft can be minimised.(Hovercraft Facts) So maybe in the future where the hunger games take place they will have flying hovercrafts.
Katniss Everdeen

I think that I am going to get a hovercraft when I get older would you? why or why not?
Heeman, Rudy. "Flying Hovercraft." Tech, 5 Apr. 10. Web. 12 Dec. 11.
Hovercraft 7 Dec. 11. Web. 12 Dec. 11.
"HOVERCRAFT -facts" (Jacob) Web 06 Dec. 2011. .
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
New Alliance!!!
GoAnimate.com: Peeta and Katniss make an aliance by 16reidj
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Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Chapters 21-22
Katniss must really love Peeta because he takes care of him like is a kid. Do you think that this romance is going to last? In chapter 21 Katniss is taking care of Peeta and she is trying to go get medicine for him but there is one thing that is bad Peeta doesnt want her to go. She goes even though Peeta doesnt want her to she gets cut on the top of her eye by Clove and right when Clove tried to kill her Thresh came in and killed Clove but didnt kill Katniss. I wounder why he didnt kill Katniss but killed Clove? wierd right!!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Hunger Games Chapters 19-20
Well, i think that Peeta is going to be very mad about Katniss giving him the medicine that makes him go to sleep. I am woundering how will Katniss go to the cornucopia without gitting killed and still get the bag for district 12? what do u think she is going to do? I think she is going to be up in a tree and try to shoot the tributes who are trying to get there bags but it is going to take alot of work because some tributes had maid alliances and might have a trap or something but that is what i think. Still waiting to figure out!!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Chapter 18
Wow!!! i would have never thought that Rue was going to get killed this is a good book. Now they are adding a new rule to the mix, Now if the two people from your district are the last one's alive you will both win!!! I wounder if Peeta and Katniss are going to make an alliance with each other cant wait to figure out if they do or not!!! there is only six people left.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Hunger Games
Katniss is in a bad situation because she is in a tree high off the ground but she cant get down because the careers are waiting for her to come down but then she finds Rue in the tree next to her but Katniss dont know how long she's been there. The next morning when Katniss woke up it was morning and the careers where sleeping accept there was one up her name was Glimmer she must have been the lookout so katniss came up with a plain and there was a wasp nest the next branch above her so she came up with a plain to throw a knife at the nest and it could fall so the wasp could get mad and sting the careers but this wasnt the regular wasp these where wasp that when they stung you venom goes right threw you. so she threw the knife it fell and then the careers got up and rain so the wasp chase them all the way to the lake and it was time for Katniss to run so she went down the tree and ran the opposite way. Know i wat to see what is going to happen next!!!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Strategy Quick Write
I think the best strategy to stay alive is to find shelter, food, drinks, and to make an alliance so you will have some people to help you kill everybody. Then whenever i see somebody and they don't know i am near i would kill them and when everybody has died except for your people that you had an alliance with then i would try to kill them that would be my strategy if i was in the hunger games.
Friday, September 30, 2011
My Perfct World
I would make the economy better because it is really bad now. I would make nice people and give them as much money as they need to live a great life. I would creat more jobs because right now there is not alot of jobs and people are still getting laid off and they and if they get laid off they cant pay there taxes.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Fairness and Society
I think it is even because some poor people put there self in the position where they cant get a job so they cant get money because they dropped out of school or they mad a bad choose. but some poor peole had parents that where poor and they couldnt get what they wanted to get there kid, and they didnt want there son to go down the same path they did.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
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